Meet the team

Oncoelectronics is a project valorizing research initiated in the Bioelectronics Department of Ecole des Mines de Saint-Étienne at the George Charpak Provence Microelectronics Campus, now based in Montreal, Canada. The team develops flexible, implantable bioelectronic systems for hard-to-treat cancers.

Oncoelectronics Co-founders

Rod O'Connor is a neuroscientist and bioengineer with 25 years experience in R&D, 5 industrial and 20 in academia. He completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge on the influence of high frequency pulsed microwaves on the brain. He developed methods for femtosecond laser nanosurgical ablation of the brain at LENS, Italy and carried out postdoctoral training in electrophysiology and optogenetics at the HHMI Janelia Research Campus and Boston University. He relocated to France 10 years ago to lead an ANR Labex Excellence Chair investigating intense pulsed electric fields as a means of treating cancer. He is currently Institut Mines-Telecom Professor in Neurotechnology and leads the Department of Bioelectronics at the Ecole des Mines George Charpak Provence Microelectronics Campus, one of France's leading engineering schools.

Martin Bača is a professional engineer with 9 years of industrial research experience and another 10 in academia. He completed his electronics engineering degree at the Technical University of Košice, Slovakia. He gained industrial experience in software and hardware engineering for embedded systems working at Telegrafia (Slovakia), and Meodat GmbH (Germany). Thereafter, he pursued his PhD in the Nano-bio-system research team at the Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany. Following this, he carried out postdoctoral studies in Neuroengineering at Aix-Marseille University in Marseille, where he was responsible for developing electronic interfaces for the brain. He currently leads development of Neuroelectronics projects in the Department of Bioelectronics at the Ecole des Mines George Charpak Provence Microelectronics Campus.